Ready for Reading / Berimo zdaj

Knjiga in prevodni projekti 
Kulturno umetniško društvo Sodobnost International (vodja) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti literarnega prevajanja 2015
Podpora EU
59.970,35 EUR

Trajanje projekta: 8. 1. 2018–7. 1. 2020

Podprte knjige:
– Evie Wyld: All the birds, singing / Vseh ptic petje (2014)*, prevod iz angleščine v slovenščino: Andrej Pleterski
– Rodaan Al Galidi: De autist en de postduif / The autistic and the carrier-pigeon / Avtist in poštni golob (2011)*, prevod iz nizozemščine v slovenščino:  Stana Anželj
– Kęstutis Kasparavičius: Dingęs paveikslas / Izginula slika, prevod iz litovščine v slovenščino: Klemen Pisk
– Philip Ardagh: Dreadful Acts / Grozljiva dejanja, prevod iz angleščine v slovenščino: Sandra Baumgartner – Naylor
– Pavel Šrut: Lihožrouti navždy / Lihožerci za vedno, prevod iz češčine v slovenščino: Peter Kuhar
– Evald Flisar: Opazovalec / Obserwator, prevod iz slovenščine v poljščino: Marlena Gruda
– Jan De Kinder: Rood / Rdeča ali zakaj zasmehovanje ni smešno, prevod iz nizozemščine v slovenščino: Stana Anželj
– Uglješa Šajtinac: Sasvim skromni darovi / Skromni darovi (2014)*, prevod iz srbščine v slovenščino: Dušanka Zabukovec
– Aino, Sami Havukainen, Toivonen: Tatu ja Patu supersankareina / Tine in Bine Superjunaka, prevod iz finščine v slovenščino: Julija Potrč Šavli
– Jaume, Daniel, Ramon, Oscar Copons, Cerdà, Cabrera, Julve: Yo, Elvis Riboldi / Jaz, Elvis Riboldi, prevod iz španščine (katalonščine) v slovenščino: Veronika Rot
(op. *Dobitniki Nagrade EU za književnost EUPL)

The project Ready for reading features ten excellent literary works from across Europe. It is marked by a carefully orchestrated diversity of the chosen books, ranging from adult fiction to works for children, thus spanning all generations. The highlights include European cult authors such as the English children’s writer Philip Ardagh, the Lithuanian nominee for the international Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award Kęstutis Kasparavičius, and the award-winning Czech author Pavel Šrut. Also included are three winners of the European Literature Prize, Evie Wyld, Uglješa Šajtinac and Rodaan Al Galidi. A special feature of the project are ambitious promotional events, devised to increase the awareness of the diversity of our common European culture among Slovenian readers and to improve the reading habits of all generations. As an artistic society whose creative force are established literary names, our long-term aim is to familiarise book buyers, especially those who are not regular readers, with top writers from various European and other countries who are as yet not well known in Slovenia. That is why we have devised promotional events that will try to attract readers from outside the established sales channels. Ready for reading is not only an ambitious book programme; it is also a carefully considered series of more than 50 promotional events designed to create an inter-generational and interconnected reading audience. The central role at these promotional events will be played by the translators who will thus get an opportunity to introduce their work to a wider public. The project Ready for reading means a new step for our organization as well. We have teamed up with the Polish publisher EZOP and are ready to take our activities across national borders. That will not only enlarge our reading audience; it will also facilitate further common publishing ventures in an otherwise fragmented European publishing space. (Vir: EK)

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