Reading Station / Literarni kolodvor

Knjiga in prevodni projekti 
Kulturno umetniško društvo Sodobnost International (vodja) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti literarnega prevajanja 2019
Podpora EU
59.994,50 EUR

Trajanje projekta: 20. 1. 2020–19. 1. 2022

Seznam del
– Stefan Boonen, Mammoet / Mamut. Prevod iz nizozemščine: Stana Anželj.
– Zoran Penevski, Sara i zaboravljeni trg / Sara in pozabljeni trg. Prevod iz srbščine: Dušanka Zabukovec.
– Darko Tuševljaković, Jaz. Prevod iz srbščine: Vasja Bratina.
– Evald Flisar, Poglej skozi okno / Look Through the Window. Prevod iz slovenščine v angleščino: David Limon.
– Susanna Mattiangeli, Une Come Antonio / Kdo je Nino? Prevod iz italijanščine Dušanka Zabukovec.
–  Andrus Kivirähki, Oskar ja asjad / Oskar in govoreči predmeti. Prevod iz estonščine Julija Potrč Šavli.
– Ida Mlakar Črnič, Tu blizu živi deklica / Close to here. Prevod iz slovenščine v angleščino: David Limon.
– Kristian Bang Foss, Døden kører Audi (Death drives an Audi) / Smrt vozi Audi. Prevod iz danščine Darko Čuden.
– Linn Skåber, Til Ungdommen (Being Young) / Čez potok, ne čez most. Prevod iz norveščine Marija Zlatnar Moe.
– Kęstutis Kasparavičius, Drebantis riteris / Drhteči vitez. Prevod iz litovščine Klemen Pisk.

The project Reading Station (RS) features ten excellent literary works from across Europe. RS is marked by a carefully orchestrated diversity of the chosen books, ranging from adult fiction to works for children, thus spanning all generations. The highlights include European cult authors such as children’s writer Susanna Mattiangeli or Estonian nominee for the international ALMA award Andrus Kivirähki, and the award-winning Evald Flisar from Slovenia. Also included are two winners of the EUPL.

A special feature of the project are ambitious promotional events, devised to increase the awareness of the diversity of common European culture among Slovenian readers and to improve the reading habits of all generations. The central role at promotional events will be played by the authors and translators who will introduce their work to a wider public. As an artistic society whose creative force are established literary names, our long-term aim is to familiarize book buyers, especially those who are not regular readers, with top European writers who are as yet not widely known in Slovenia. That is why we have devised promotional events that will try to attract readers from outside the established sales channels. Especially we would like to attract online readers by creating and spreading digital community Reading Train whose role will be to inform online readers about books from the project, engage them now and cultivate them for tomorrow. In other words, our strategy will be to target multiple channels for our books and integrate them with the current generation’s social lives. This means a bigger step into the digital world for our organization.

Another step for us is capacity building on two foreign markets (UK, Ireland). We cooperate with the UK distributor and marketing team who spread our activities across national borders. That will not only increase our reading audiences; it will also facilitate the enlargement of the common publishing space for European authors.

Aktivnosti projekta:
Pridružite se Bralnemu vlaku – do 23. aprila 2021.

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