what’s the deal?

Interdisciplinarni projekti 
Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška (partner) 
Department of Arts and Culture City of Munich (DE) 
Kultura (2007-2013) / Razpis za leto 2013 za Sklop 1.1 (Projekti večletnega sodelovanja) in Sklop 1.2.1 (Projekti sodelovanja)
Podpora EU
199.965 EUR
"What´s the deal?", arhiv EAC.
“What´s the deal?”, arhiv EAC.

The ‘What’s the deal?’ project focused on urban sports such as skateboarding and biking, design and mural art in connection with sustainability.

The project gathered partners from Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Slovenia (CUK Kino Šiška) whose aims were, among others, to learn more about the needs of young urban culture scenes and to involve them in the project, as well as to promote sustainable lifestyle using various artistic methods. It also supported intercultural dialogue and the career development of artists and cultural professionals by means of international exchanges and workshops.
(Vir: EAC)

Čestitke za CUK Kino Šiška: Projekt what’s the deal? je zgodba o uspehu!
Projekt what’s the deal?, pri katerem je v obdobju 2013–2015 kot partner sodeloval CUK Kino Šiška in s podporo programa Kultura (2007–2013), je po mnenju skupine strokovnjakov Generalnega direktorata za izobraževanje in kulturo (DG EAC) Evropske komisije zgodba o uspehu. Čestitamo! Projekt se je osredotočal na urbane športe, oblikovanje in stenske umetnosti, ki so vključujejo trajnostno razsežnost. V branje priporočamo tudi Slovenske organizacije »spisale« že devet zgodb o uspehu…

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