Spectrum 2016 – Transnational Light

Vizualne umetnosti 
Forum Ljubljana Zavod za umetniško in kulturno produkcijo Ljubljana (partner) 
Ocubo Criativo Actividades Literarias,LDA (PT) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti sodelovanja 2016
Podpora EU
195,550.96 EUR

Vodja projekta: Ocubo Criativo Actividades Literarias,LDA (PT)
Partnerji projekta: TORUNSKA AGENDA KULTURALNA (PL), Sonitus (HR), Forum Ljubljana Zavod za umetnisko in kulturno produkcijo (SI) 

Spectrum, Svetlobna gverilaSpectrum is a strong transnational platform promoting collaborations in Light Art. it has already included 8 light festivals in its program and continues to widen its circle of action by including one more new member. Beyond the 4 partners countries, an ever growing number of European countries are involved with participating artists or mentors. Spectrum16 promotes tutoring between members to include them in European associations with the clear objective of widening the audience, easing mobility of creators throughout Europe and sowing education practices in the field of Light.
The associations targeted for inclusion are: www.effe.eu/, www.efa-aef.eu, www.international-lightfestivals.org. A guide of good practices will be elaborated for creative thinking and acting in festivals.

Spectrum16 is free and reaches. With experience sharing between members in audience development and management in Free events, the members are continuously reaching new audiences in age, sociocultural background and geographical location. the involved festivals can clearly show numbers growth.
Spectrum16 is about education and training. Based on its spreading recognition through the professional field of Light, Spectrum attracts mentors and provides them with a frame within they can pass on their knowledge to students, linking the professional and educational spheres. With concrete actions in schools/universities or on the field, more than 300 students and 70 trainees are being involved in workshops, talks, debates or round tables, encouraging critical thinking of space, light and energy consumption.
(vir: EAC)

Trajanje projekta: 1. 5. 2016–31. 3. 2017

Aktivnosti projekta:
Svetlobna gverila vabi na Čarobni vrt
Svetlobna gverila: Re:akcija4 v Celju
Svetlobna gverila 16: Narava

Prvič objavljeno: 18. 8. 2016.

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