Small Size, Performing Arts for Early Years

Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba 
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (partner) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti sodelovanja 2014
Podpora EU
1.995.000 EUR

The project has a precise focus: the diffusion of performing arts for children between 0 and 6 years, which is a real “current non-audience”, especially as far as children under 36 months are concerned.
A European networking project involving theatres and cultural centres that have been focusing their artistic research on children and that have developed a real, specific professional competence in the field of performing arts for early years.
The project promotes audience development, in particular the development of children-spectators, making children approach performing arts both in Europe and worldwide. For we firmly believe that children, even the youngest ones, have the right to be viewed as spectators of today and not only of tomorrow, because they are human beings and not just “human becomings”.

A networking project involving 17 theatres and cultural centres of 15 countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK.A Network that promotes:
– the mobility of ideas and people;- awareness-raising on the right of children to cultural citizenship;
– the lifelong learning of the adults who interact with them at a professional level.

The project activities can be divided in:
1.JOINT ACTIVITIES give more value to the aspects regarding co-production and cooperation: Wide Eyes co-production project, Small size – final event, Small size days, Mentoring & collaborations, Artistic Directors Meeting, Association Small size, Interactive learning platform, Quality Commission, Mobilities for training & exchange
2. PARTNERS’ ACTIVITIES are the “cornerstones of the project”, on which its development is based: Festivals, Showcases, Productions and co-productions, Workshops for children, Research and training activities, Interdisciplinary activities.
3. NETWORK ACTIVITIES, through which the shared management of the network takes place: Common Meetings, Annual Books, Promotion, Documentation.
(vir: EK)

Vodja projekta: La Baracca società cooperativa sociale ONLUS (IT)
Partnerji: Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (SI), Asociación Civil Acción Educativa (ES), Baboro Galway International Children’s Festival Limited (IE), Centrum Sztuki Dziecka W Poznaniu (PL), Ville De Limoges (FR), Helios Theater (DE), Kolibri Gyermek (HU), Kuukulkurit Ry – Dance Theatre Auraco (FI), O’navio Theatre (FR), Polka Theatre (UK), Teater Tre (SE), Teaterværkstedet Madam Bach (DK), Teatro Paraíso (ES), Teatrul Ion Creanga (RO), Théâtre de La Guimbarde (BE), Toihaus Theater (AT)

Trajanje projekta: 1. oktober 2014–30. september 2018

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