REgeneration of disused Industrial Sites through Creativity in Europe

Interdisciplinarni projekti 
Društvo za sodobno umetnost X-OP (partner) 
Comune di Santo Stefano di Magra (IT) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti sodelovanja 2019
Podpora EU
198.000 EUR

Vodja: Comune di Santo Stefano di Magra (IT)
Partnerji: Društvo za sodobno umetnost X-OP (SI), Associazione Culturale Gli Scarti (IT), Klanghaus Untergreith Kultur + Eventverein zur Realisation von Intermedialen Projekten in und für den öffentlichen Raum (AT), KulturTragWerk Sachsen e. V. (DE)

Vrednost projekta: 330.000 EUR (60 %)
Višina podpore EU: 198.000 EUR
Trajanje projekta: 1. 11. 2019–31. 10. 2021

RESCUE aims at giving an insight into the work history linked to the local former industrial sites located in participant countries, involving young students and cultural companies in a program of study, research and artistic interpretation of life and events in those places. It will last 24 months involving 4 participants from EU countries IT, DE, AT, SI.

Main activities will be: School research workshops actively involving students to investigate on the complex relation between the local industrial heritage, its history and perception of local citizens about it, script development and production of artworks/performances in all partner countries; a joint transnational residence for coproduction/workshop; analysis & tools for new strategies of urban regeneration of disused industrial sites trough creativity; exchange of best practices regarding the regeneration of disused industrial sites through creativity and sharing of an innovative management model for the enhancement and regeneration of disused industrial sites through arts; public events for spreading the knowledge about European history of workforce and preservation/valorization of the industrial heritage; audience development, communication & dissemination tools/actions.

Main Target groups: secondary schools’ students, artists and cultural professionals, citizens and immigrants, cultural experts and social promotion associations, public administrations.

Expected results: Revitalization of disused industrial sites trough visual or performing arts; Increased artistic and professional skills; Increased and diversified audiences; Better knowledge of the history of places; Opening and visit of disused sites; Increased perception about the value of industrial heritage and its preservation/revitalization; increased and wider audience reached; Increased awareness of local communities on the importance and potential of industrial heritage.

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