Quantum Music

Interdisciplinarni projekti 
Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška (partner) 
Muzikološki institut SANU (RS) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti sodelovanja 2015
Podpora EU
178.998 EUR

Vodja projekta: Muzikološki institut SANU (RS)
Partnerji: Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška, Ljubljana (SI), ASSOCIATION NEW ARTS CENTER (RS), Centar za promociju nauke (RS), The Danish National School of Performing Arts (DK)


This project is exploring the connection between art and quantum physics through creation of a new musical and scientific genre – the Quantum Music. We are stressing out the importance of electronic music in European popular culture, enabled by easier access to digital technology, which contributes to the democratization of culture and equal opportunities.The research will produce a completely new method for analysing music, the history of music and the history of many existing aspects of our physical world. This project will enable exchange and mobility of artists throughout Europe, of cultural and scientific actors through collaboration on various components of the project – production, research, education and audience engagement.The project will have original activities targeting different public, such as youth (experimenting with new instruments, engaging interactive gadgets, offering creative space) and people with disabilities (designing a new digital interface based on biofeedback and DML technology of sound reproduction, which transposes project results into media adapted to the needs of hearing impaired people). The project will inspire partnering interest of different sponsors for the project, dealing with audio equipment and instrument manufacturing that will expand their offer with innovative instruments and equipment, thus spreading and developing the market beyond the EU frontiers.The innovative idea to use an two hybrid-piano instruments specially designed for this project, and to study the quantum-acoustic response while “playing to the atoms”. Besides challenging the most significant musical scores of the classical music and the popular music, composers from all over the world will have a special opportunity to compose new, premiere music for hybrid instruments.The new and original Quantum Music project presents the first little bold steps towards investigating sound, music and art, and changing the world of the matter we are all made of. (Vir: EK)

Trajanje projekta: 1. avgust 2015–31. maj 2018

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