Koordinator projekta: Mini teater (SI)
Partnerji: BUCHTY A LOUTKY (CZ), Pro Rodopi Foundation / Fondatziya ”Za Rodopite” (BG), Staffan Björklunds teater (SE), UO novo kazalište (HR)
Trajanje projekta: 1. 5. 2015–30. 4. 2016
Podpora EU: 200.000 EUR (55,45 %)
Vrednost projekta: 360.675,00 EUR

The project will encompass activities aimed at improving the contacts and exchange of knowledge among the partner countries. The goal of the project is also establishing contact between the younger generation, emerging from universities, and older, experienced artists. But mostly, it is about implementing the ancient Greek method of transferring knowledge and skills from the masters to the young. The proposed project is similar to this in the aspect of being predominantly intended for the mobility of artists, education and creation of different puppet performances of different techniques and with diverse direction concepts.The basic purpose of the project is the organization of workshops which will allow young puppeteers and actors to meet the masters of theatre and together create different performances. All the teams are fully international and all include artists from different countries and environments, creating together on a common theme. The themes cover a wide assortment ranging from classical motifs to new original texts, which will be written especially for these pieces. Great emphasis will be put on improvisation throughout the process.After the the completion of the performances, great intention will be paid to the presentation of the projects in different environments the authors themselves stamm from.Apart from the performances themselves, touching upon themes such as friendship, violence among children, fear of difference or sexuality, there are three further projects specifically created for encounters with sensitive themes the children experience in the period of groving up. Poo, Death and Love (interactive and intermedia performance and intermedia sculpture for the youngest children and adults, or respectively, a communication-education and emmancipatory process). Vir: EK
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Aktivnosti projekta:
Lutkovne premiere v Mini teatru