Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba 
Akademija Branimir Slokar, Društvo ustvarjalcev sodobne slovenske kulture Delavnica (partner) 
Fondazione Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia (IT) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti sodelovanja 2016
Podpora EU
1.732.500 EUR

Vodja projekta: Fondazione Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia (IT)
Partnerji projekta: Društvo ustvarjalcev sodobne slovenske kulture – Delavnica (SI), Fundacio Privada de l’Auditori i l’Orquestra (ES), International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (BE), Muzicki centar Crne Gore (ME), Orchestre National de Lille (FR), REGESTA.EXE S.R.L. (IT), Regione Lazio (IT), Sarajevska filharmonija (BA), Stichting Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest (NL)

MUSIC UP CLOSE Network – connecting orchestral music to young audiences is a multiannual project of European Orchestras and international Organizations for artistic mobility designed as a start-up for a long term European cooperation network to give concrete answers to the current challenges in the field of the orchestral music. The Project features world-class Orchestras, some of which have a strong reputation for delivering projects for young audiences and cultivating a new generation of talented musicians and other Orchestra partners that have to improve their activities in reaching young audiences and promote new orchestral works.

Project Partners consider MUSIC UP CLOSE Network a start-up organization because they would like first to experiment and share new approaches and strategies to connect orchestral music to young audiences and then to enlarge the Network to new orchestra partners and other international organizations. To do this the Project will implement actions to address the following priorities:
– Transnational mobility: fostering the transnational circulation of artists and professionals in 12 European countries; commissioning and internazionalize new orchestral works by living composers to promote intercultural dialogue, coproducing and touring concerts in an innovative formats with young orchestral ensembles and choirs.
– Audience development: experiment and share audience development strategies particularly with the Balkan countries; producing concerts in innovative formats for young people, using cross media tools to reaching young and underrepresented audiences.
– Capacity building: training and education: strengthening professional operators with competences and know-how to operate trans-nationally, in particular promoting the Work Experience Exchange Program and promoting Musical Residencies for orchestral training for young professional musicians. (vir: EK)

Trajanje projekta: 15. 6. 2016–14. 12. 2019

Projekti s področja