IMAGINE 2020 (2.0) – Art, ecology & possible futures

Interdisciplinarni projekti 
Bunker, zavod za organizacijo in izvedbo kulturnih prireditev, Ljubljana (partner) 
Kaaitheater vzw (BE) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti sodelovanja 2015
Podpora EU
2.000.000 EUR

Vodja projekta: Kaaitheater vzw (BE)
Partnerji: Zavod Bunker, Ljubljana (SI), Artsadmin LTD (UK), Biedriba Latvijas Jauna Teatra (LV), COAL (FR), Comitato Promotore Della Candidatura Di Matera A Capitale Europea Della Cultura Per Il 2019 (IT), Domino Udruge (HR), empresa de gestao de equipamentos e animacao cultural E.E.M (PT), Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik GMBH (DE), London International Festival of Theatre Limited (UK), Stichting Rotterdamse Schouwburg (NL), Transforma – Associacao Cultural (PT)


Imagine 2020 (2.0) -Art, ecology & possible futures
Imagine 2020 started as a network of eleven arts organizations in 2010 with the main focus to raise awareness in the cultural field and in a broader civil society context around climate change and the socio-ecological crisis. Now, five years down the road the network wants to take a step up. Besides analysing the current situation and raising awareness around it, the focus will shift to imagining, studying and prototype possible sustainable futures. Imagine 2020 (2.0) wants to speculate about our future by modelling it in artistic creations and experiments that allow alternative perspectives to emerge. COAL (Paris) and Teatro Maria Matos (Lisbon) have joined nine of the original Imagine 2020 members.

They have set themselves the following objectives:
– To create a fertile environment for European artists through commissioning and co-producing so they can play their unique role as a catalyst for imagining possible futures.
– To enlarge audiences through stimulating the European exchange and distribution of artworks which address socio-ecological challenges.
– To create diverse thematic spaces and formats for learning, exchanging and reconnecting between arts, science, civil society and engaging the general public.
– To create ‘Future Space 2020’, an online digital workspace for artists, theorists and the general public for collective thematic explorations.

Their collaboration will result in:
– A strong body of artistic work addressing socio-ecological challenges and imagining possible futures.
– A consolidation of initiatives within the cultural sector in connection with a variety of other civil society partners to become an important voice in the European debate around socio-ecological challenges.
– Awareness, inspiration, ideas and engagement among diverse audiences to participate actively in changing behaviour and shaping a sustainable future.
(vir: EK)

Trajanje projekta: 1. julij 2015–30. junij 2019

Aktivnosti projekta:
Mladi levi gostijo konferenco Pripravljeni na spremembe

Dejavnosti zavoda Bunker pri projektu preverite tukaj.

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