HEROES WE LOVE. Ideology, Identity and Socialist Art in New Europe

Vizualne umetnosti 
Knjižnica in arhiv Umetnostne galerije Maribor (vodja) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti sodelovanja 2014
Podpora EU
198.000 EUR

Vodja projekta: Umetnostna galerija Maribor (SI)
Partnerji: Društvo BLOK (HR); SCCA Center za sodobno umetnost Sarajevo (BiH); Tirana Art Lab (AL); Laznia Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk (PL); IEFSEM Inštitut za etnologijo in folkloristiko z Etnografskim muzejem Sofija (BG); Muzej zgodovine Jugoslavije (SRB); Univerza na Primorskem (SI); Center plesa, Maribor (SI).

Trajanje projekta: 17.10.2014 – 31.3.2017
Podpora EU: 198.990 EUR (60 %)

Heroes We Love is a collaborative project on the topic of socialist heritage of the 20th century European art. It brings together partners from institutional and non-institutional sector from Central and South-Eastern Europe. The project is aimed at connecting contemporary art practices with research works and involvement with the audiences on phenomenon of socialist art in its cultural, social-ideological and political context, spanning the period from the inception of the communist/socialist states of Eastern Europe till today. It boldly exposes the geo-political term ‘New Europe’ and encompasses the region from Poland to Albania in a joint transnational project.The aim of the project is to outline development of the socialist art, its different (art) forms and visual manifestations, its relevant art works and artists by presenting different case studies and to connect the heritage with a contemporary art trends and visions as well as communicating and connecting the topic with the audiences.

The project is divided in four thematic segments with corresponding art interventions, conferences and workshops:
1) Politics, Aesthetics and Arts in the Time of Socialism;
2) Socialist Monuments and Modernism;
3) Heroic Art and Socialist Realism;
4) Post-socialism and Nostalgia.

The activities will include: five international conferences; four sets of public art interventions (including around 15 contemporary artists); 1 dance performance; 7 sets of workshops for targeted audiences (with 36 individual workshops for children, students, groups with special needs, hard-to-reach audiences etc.); 3 exhibitions (one of them travelling exhibition); final publication; web site; Instagram competition and Kick-off meeting. The project seeks to reconstruct an important segment of the shared history of New Europe and to strengthen cross-cultural respect and understanding through trans-national collaboration and mobility. (vir: EK)


Aktivnosti projekta:
Zaključna razstava in predstavitev publikacije
O dosežkih Ustvarjalne Evrope v Bruslju … tudi s slovenskimi gosti!
Vodstvo po razstavi/Heroes we love
NAŠI HEROJI | HEROES WE LOVE: Razstava in mednarodna konferenca
Poletna muzejska noč
UGM SEMINAR/PREDAVANJE – Socialistični realizem – partizanstvo – modernizem

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