European Artizen Initiative

Arhitektura, oblikovanje in uporabne umetnosti 
Kulturno društvo ProstoRož (partner) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti sodelovanja 2014
Podpora EU
199.843 EUR

Within the EAI project, AltArt (RO), Dédale (FR), Expeditio (ME), Idensitat (ES), Prostoroz (SL) and Transforma (PT) aim at reinforcing cultural and creative players’ abilities to adapt to the growing needs of co-building the city, with the aim to favour citizens’ engagement and empowerment.6 trans-national Laboratories will be implemented on urban areas in transition in Barcelona, Cluj, Kotor, Ljubljana, Paris and Torres Vedras, designed as on-site abilities accelerators: European artists in residence will co-design projects with citizens, supported by a trans-sectoral local team to favour skills transfer. Particular attention will be paid to inclusive citizens’ engagement, experimenting new technologies as a possible tool. It will be completed by a European workshop to favour cultural and creative players’ adaptation to digital technologies. Each laboratory results will be spread towards professionals thanks to open workshops and events, and put in dialogue at European level thanks to networking and the final event. Observation will be led throughout the project on the actions impacts, to adjust the initiative framework to reinforce cultural and creative players’ skills and favour its experimentation on other areas. Common narratives will be produced aiming at cultural and creative and city players, political stakeholders and citizens.

Communication and dissemination will be implemented at local, national European and international levels, ensuring a wide visibility to the project and to the European Commission. By crossing culture, arts, urban development and innovation fields and actors, EAI will generate spillover effects and new opportunities for professionals in a long-term perspective, at local, national, European and international levels, with a focus on China with a EU-China workshop. EAI will lead to the creation of a professional pool of cultural and creative actors, able to develop new projects at European and international scales.
(vir: EK)

Vodja projekta: Association Dedale (FR)
Partnerji: Kulturno društvo Prostorož (SI), Expeditio (ME), Fundatia AltArt pentru Arta Alternativa (RO), Idensitat. Associació d’Art Contemporani (ES), Transforma – Associação Cultural (PT)

Trajanje projekta: 15. december 2014–30. september 2016

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