The ultimate aim of the ArchaeoLandscapes network is the use throughout Europe of aerial survey and ‘remote sensing’ to promote understanding, conservation and public enjoyment of the shared landscape and archaeological heritage of the countries of the European Union. (Vir: EAC.)
Trajanje projekta: 15. 9. 2010–14. 9. 2015
Vodja projekta: Roman-Germanic Commission German Archaeological Institute (DE)
Partnerji: Directorate of the Museums of Baranya County (HU), The Discovery Programme Ltd (IE), English Heritage (UK), Holstebro Museum (DK), Foundation for Research & Technology, Hellas (EL), Fornleifastofnun Íslands (IS), Instituto de Estudos Galegos Padre Sarmiento (CSIC) (ES), Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart (DE), The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NO), Royal Commission on the Ancient-Historical Monuments Scotland (UK), Universiteit Leiden (NL), Oddelek za arheologijo, Univerza v Ljubljani (SI), Cyprus Research and Educational Foundation (CY), Klaipėda University (LT), Scientific Research Centre – Slovenian Academy Science and Art (SI), University of Foggia (IT), University of Glasgow (UK), Laboratory of Ancient Topography and Photogrammetry (IT), CIMEC – Institutul De Memorie Culturala (RO), Adam Mickiewicz University (PL), Archaeological Institute, Belgrade (RS), National University of Ireland, Dublin (IE), In Flanders Fields Museum VZW (BE), University of Exeter (UK), University of Siena (IT), The Archaeological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK)