
Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba 
En-Knap Zavod za organizacijo in izvedbo kulturnih prireditev, Ljubljana (partner) 
Aerowaves (UK) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Evropske platforme 2017
Podpora EU
500.000 EUR (1. leto); 500.000 EUR (2. leto); 500.000 EUR (3. leto); 500.000 EUR (4. leto)

Koordinator: AEROWAVES (UK)
Člani platforme:
 Albania Dance Meeting-Festival (AL), D.ID DANCE IDENTITY (AT), P.A.R.T.S. (BE) Derida Dance Centre (BG), CROATIAN CULTURAL CENTRE (HR), Dance House Lemesos (CY), Tanec Praha (CZ), Kanuti Gildi SAAL (EE), Annantalo (FI), La Briqueterie (FR), Hessisches Staatstheater (DE), PACT Zollverein (DE), Workshop Foundation (HU), Operaestate Festival (IT), Latvian Dance Information Center (LDIC) (LV), Lithuanian Dance Information Centre (LDIC) (LT), TROIS C-L (LU), Oslo kulturskole (NO), Art Stations Foundation (PL), O Espaço do Tempo (PT), National Centre for Dance in Bucharest (CNDB)(RO), Dance Centre TsEKh (RU), SKCNS (RS), Bratislava in Movement Association (SK), EN-KANP Productions (SI), Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid (ES), Dansstationen (SE), Tanzhaus Zürich (CH), Dansmakers Amsterdam (NL), The Place (UK)

Trajanje platforme: 2017–2020

Podpora EU: 500.000 EUR (1. leto); 500.000 EUR (2. leto); 500.000 EUR (3. leto); 500.000 EUR (4. leto)
Aerowaves je projekt, ki se financira v okviru t. i. večletnega partnerskega sporazuma (Framework Partnership Agreement), v okviru katerega se z Izvajalsko agencijo EACEA vsako leto izvajanja sporazuma sklene odločba za tekoče leto.

Aerowaves creates cross-border performance opportunities for emerging choreographers. Their network shares resources and insights. Aerowaves actively enhances connections between dance artists, programmers and audiences across Europe.
Aerowaves relies on its network of partners from 33 countries across Europe. They represent and provide insights about their local and national dance scenes and the emerging talent there. At home, they promote Aerowaves opportunities within their dance community.
(Source: Aerowaves).

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