Advancing Light-driven Public Interactions

Interdisciplinarni projekti 
MoTA Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti (partner) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti sodelovanja 2014
Podpora EU
200.000 EUR

ALIPI project advances light-driven public interactions of audiences with high-quality artworks through an integrated set of activities, including innovative artistic content creation, residencies for artists, expert and public workshops and conferences as well as results showcases at major European festivals that will attract altogether an estimated number of over one million visitors just in 2015. ALIPI brings together in co-creation processes artists, designers, and creative technologists working across different media but using public interaction scenarios connected with light, in one form or another. ALIPI is based on the technical integration and highly visible public introduction of original mobile participatory domes and platforms that allow for responsive and immersive experiences to large numbers of visitors. We use these domes and platforms in order to let artists develop and consequently present to public brand new artistic content. This content is created via well-curated residencies and workshops. Moreover, the proposed set of interlinked activities is designed as a prototype of new co-production and touring model that we plan to expand across the whole Europe in near future, and to benefit from the amazing capacity of networked partners to reach new audiences and build innovative relationships with them.
(vir: EK)

Vodja projekta: Young Talents (CZ)
Partnerji: KUD MoTA (SI), Stichting GLOW (NL), Torunska Agenda Kulturalna (PL)

Trajanje projekta: 15. januar 2014–20. februar 2016

Drugi projekti istega producenta

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