Niksic Theatre, Črna gora

4.01.2023, Projekti sodelovanja / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do petek, 10. februar 2023
Niksic Theatre would like to join a partnership for performing arts cooperation projects.

Niksic Theater is a public institution founded by the city of Niksic and one of the oldest theaters in Montenegro (1884). The theater’s renovated building of 2800m2 is located in the center of town. The theatre hall consists of a basic stage and a proscenium, fitted with 412 seats with multi-purpose hall and digital media facilities including well-equipped stage area. The building has the ballet hall, changing rooms for performers, conference room and several other premises necessary for performing operations. The most essential activities are production of theatre plays as well as the regular theatrical repertoire whose core consists of numerous plays touring from other country and region theatres. Showing movies is also an activity that gathers a great number of visitors. The theater’s building is an ultimate venue for unlimited range of events: from festivals and symphony and chamber concerts, jazz and other music performances to theatre, ballet and dance productions, art exhibitions, various workshops and masterclasses and other cultural and creative events and ceremonies. Niksic Theatre publishes its own theatre magazine as well as books and other publication.

Contact: Milica Buric (