Compagnie du Soir, Francija

14.10.2016, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 31. oktober 2016


Created in 2012 by Etienne Chevrel and Tsolinée Vacher working on European contemporary author (Russia, Poland, Croatia, Italy…). They produced their drama plays on national and private theatres but also in festivals (Avignon, TGP CDN, Vingtième Théâtre…). They are usually sponsored by the French Ministry of Culture, the Office of European Affairs, the Croatian Embassy, Paris and Saint-Denis City Hall.
They work on staging and dramaturgy, on translation, on multidisciplinary forms (music, mime, dance, video….) and they expand their actions on non-theatre experiences more integrated in the civil society.
Etienne Chevrel is an actor, a director and also a trainer consultant for innovative projects using Design Thinking Methodologies for companies and high school. Tsolinée Vacher is an author, an actor, and a theater teacher. She has a master in Management of Cultural Industries.


Rethink an European cultural stage experience

Nowadays the traditional stage area is in mutation (audience in decline, decrease of states subsidies, digital…). However the expression keep on expanding in new areas: online (youtube, instagram…), in education and business with new collaborative and dynamics methods (like design thinking methods). Also Artists and performing arts sector are isolated.  However in a European context of fear and suspicion performing arts have to help create the links between people more than ever.
Considered to this context how can we create a new european stage experience by working on and with the public audience? We are now in iteration working on a micro stage that we can put in the streets, in theatres, in schools  where people could express themself on different subjects like « otherness ».This stage could be modulable, have different shapes and produce short movies and short series.

Spletna stran:


Tsolinée Vacher
T: 0033 6 60 64 00 01

Please find more about the project in the appendix.