Evropski kulturni forum 2015 – ODPOVEDAN zaradi varnostnih razmer!

POJASNILO GLEDE ODPOVEDI: Dear Sir/ Madam, This afternoon, the European Commission security services have announced that bigger events organised by the Commission taking place on external premises (not in Commission buildings) are to be cancelled until further notice, in line with the recommendations of the Belgian authorities. The Culture Forum which was meant to take place on 26 and 27 November is therefore cancelled. We are very sorry, as we know how much you were looking forward to attending this event, which we had been preparing for over a year. Our apologies as well to those of you who are already on their way to Brussels. We will let you know as soon as possible the date when the Forum will be held in 2016. Kind regards, The Culture Forum Team

V petek, 19. junija, se bo zgodil prvi Filmski dan

Dan, posvečen filmu in filmskim ustvarjalcem, bo z različnimi dogodki prikazal filmsko ustvarjanje. Gre za nadaljevanje praznovanja 20. obletnice obstoja Slovenskega filmskega centra, potekal pa bo v petek in soboto, 19. in 20. junija, na muzejski ploščadi (Metelkova) v Ljubljani.

Na voljo DSFU štipendije!

Društvo slovenskih filmskih ustvarjalcev (DSFU) bo dodelilo delovne štipendije za področje filma za leto 2015. Rok za prijave: 4. junij 2015.