SwingNet2: Swinging Europe Network 2

Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba 
Swing Festival (partner) 
Lindy Hop Bulgaria (BG) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2021–2027) – KULTURA / Projekti sodelovanja - "veliki"
Podpora EU
1.946.776,00 EUR

Koordinator: Lindy Hop Bulgaria (BG)
Partnerji: Marmaduke (ES), Italian Swing Dance Society (IT), Svingo Rojus (LT), LouisLou (BE), Storyville (ES), Syncopation Society (DE), Little Big Minds (PT), Pepita Dance Association (HU), Shake That Swing (FR), Swingville (FR), Swing Festival (SI), Swing in Greece (EL)

Podpora EU: 1.946.776,00 EUR
Podpora EU za slovenskega partnerja: 132.415,20 EUR
Trajanje projekta: 1. 4. 2022–31. 3. 2025

Swinging Europe Network #2 (SwingNet#2) is a project that aims to ensure a collaborative, safe, and sustainable environment for the development of a resilient, competitive, and innovative European swing sector. It provides a large number of opportunities for professional development and international mobility of swing dancers and musicians. The project supports the achievement of the Creative Europe Cooperation Call Objective 1 – Transnational creation and circulation. The SwingNet#2 project has the fundamental mission to accelerate the recovery of the swing sector and to provide opportunities for building resilience and reaching the pre-Covid trends of development. The SwingNet#2 partnership is composed of 13 organisations from 11 different EU countries. They will join forces for the achievement of the following 3 specific objectives: Objective 1 – To provide opportunities for international professional mobility of swing artists and support dancers, musicians and event organisers to redress and to safeguard their activities after the negative impact of the Covid-19 crisis; Objective 2 – To attract, engage and retain existing and new audiences by improving the general public knowledge and understanding about the Swing dance and music historic heritage and its further development in Europe; Objective 3 – To strengthen the swing sector representativeness and the recognition of the Swinging Europe Network as the international platform that allows strategic professional interaction of swing professionals in Europe. The achievement of the objectives will be reached through a series of transnational activities and co-productions, including: Artists’ mobility and visibility programme; Training, experience sharing and career development; Swing history heritage awareness and recognition activities. The SwingNet#2 project is built on the results of a 4-years long successful collaboration under two previously implemented Creative Europe projects.

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