Emerging Professionals: Internationalisation of music Careers

Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba 
Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti (partner) 
European Choral Association - Europa Cantat EV (DE) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti sodelovanja 2019
Podpora EU
200.000 EUR

Vodja: European Choral Association – Europa Cantat EV (DE)
Partnerji: Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti (SI), Cumann Náisiúnta na gCór (Association of Irish Choirs/ Sing Ireland) (IE), Secretariat de Jeunesses Musicalesinternational (BE)

Vrednost projekta: 336.340 EUR (59,46 %)
Višina podpore EU: 200.000 EUR
Trajanje projekta: 1. 11. 2019–31. 12. 2021

Many youth ensembles are active in Europe, providing emerging musicians with invaluable skills and professional experience that complement their formal training, and can help them boost their career at the national level. Yet, entering the international market requires specific intercultural work methods, networking and business skills, etc.
In the field of collective music, this need for an effective internationalisation of careers has been identified in the extensive networks of the partners and associate partners.

The vision of the EPIC project is to
*prove the value and impact of auditioned youth music ensembles for the professionalisation and internationalisation of careers,

*improve the training of emerging professional,
*foster the creation of new ensembles across Europe.

It will test and validate new approaches that could be eventually disseminated and implemented at a larger scale, to benefit the mobility of artists in Europe over a generation.

This project is supported by an action plan articulating five main lines:
*A data collection, mapping the career path of former members of auditioned youth ensembles (orchestras and choirs).
*An involvement of the EuroChoir and the World Youth Choir as laboratories for providing new skills through capacity building, active networking with stakeholders and with peers.
*The networking of existing and potential National Youth Choirs’ organisers, to exchange best practices and cooperation
opportunities. We’ll set up specific ateliers gathering the singers themselves in an international context.
*Online capacity building sessions for emerging artists
*Dissemination of the results along events gathering relevant stakeholders.

Collective music making is a powerful tool to bring people and nations together. As Europeans, we have a duty to foster the circulation of the next generation of artists in a sustainable, systemic way. The EPIC project is a first milestone along this promising path.

Projekti s področja