Our Many Europes / Naše mnoge Evrope

Vizualne umetnosti 
Moderna galerija / Muzej moderne umetnosti Ljubljana plus Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova (partner) 
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia (ES) 
Ustvarjalna Evropa (2014-2020) - Kultura / Projekti sodelovanja 2018
Podpora EU
2.000.000 EUR

Vodja: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia (ES)
Partnerji: Consorci del Museu d Art Contemporani de Barcelona (ES), Goeteborgs Universitet (SE), Moderna galerija (SI), Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen (BE), Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej W Warszawie (PL), National College of Art and Design (IE), Stedelijk van Abbemuseum (NL)

Vrednost projekta: 4.019.799,60 EUR
Višina podpore EU: 2.000.000 EUR (49,75 %)
Trajanje projekta: 1. 6. 2018–31. 12. 2022

Our Many Europes (OME) is a four-year art museum programme focusing on the 1990s: the decade contemporary Europe was born. The art of the 1990s profoundly reflects a fundamental shift in society: through Internet and open borders, Europeans got active and connected. Understanding who we are today – our challenges, our possibilities – begins post 1989, when a divided Europe ended and the plurality of the many Europes we inhabit today began. To reflect this change, we need a different museum strategy, which understands audiences not as passive, but as constituent members of a plural community in permanent becoming. Developing a new Constituent Museum strategy is the major and long-term goal of OME.
(Vir / Source & further info at EC.)

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