Broadway Albania, Albanija

17.08.2017, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sobota, 30. september 2017


Broadway Albania operates in the field of arts and culture. Their main objective is promotion of albanian culture and art, through the national and international cultural and artistic activities in the filed of performing arts (music, opera, multimedia performances, etc.). They are part of European Musical Theatre Network, in partnership with the Institute for music, theatre and multimedia from Bosnia and Herzegovina, BHO Bela pl. Panthy from Croatia and the University of Arts in Tirana/UART and the Academy of Music – University of Sarajevo.


They are interested to participate in projects which are focused to promote musical theatre and classical music through educational and cultural activities for youth, and are oriented to give theoretical and practical knowledge to young musicians from the field of classical music and new works of musical theatre and already have exchange programs where talented young musicians get in touch with European professionals and youth  in order to share their cultural experience.

More about the proposal in the appendix.
