DevART Cultural Association – Deva, Romunija

10.10.2016, Projekti sodelovanja / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do nedelja, 23. oktober 2016


Devart Cultural Association was founded in 2008 in Deva, Hunedoara County, Romania, with the main goal to organize major cultural events, mainly in music and film genre.  The president in charge is Nicolae Gavrea.
Since now, The main cultural event is Opera Nights Festival – an open-air opera festival.
The Association also organizes events as New Year Classic Concertos (5th edition), Europe Day Classic Concertos (5th edition), Photography Exhibitions, other cultural events.


Fidei.Ars.Imago cultural project aims to enlight for public the medieval stone churches (Orthodox, Catholic, Reformed) in the county of Hunedoara.
In terms of architecture and painting, those churches are highly related with some others from Italy, Slovenia and Croatia – notice that Gothic style is very common for Western Europe, but not for Romania.  In the context of this project, we risk taking a restrictive approach, we consider medieval stone churches built between the years 1000-1453 churches.

Fidei.Ars.Imago project is designed to encompass several components, taking into account the need to be attractive to a wide audience but especially addressing the upper-medium segment with education. Its components are:

– Artistic – music & arts
– religious
– patrimonial
– scientific
– culinary art


Alexandru Gruian

Nicolae Gavrea

Please find more about the project in the appendix.