Roots of the European Design

Arhitektura, oblikovanje in uporabne umetnosti 
Zasebni neprofitni zavod Suri izobraževanje, umetnost, kultura in vzgoja (partner) 
Laterna Magica Kulturális és Oktatási Szolgáltató Kft. (HU) 
Kultura (2007-2013) / Razpis za leto 2013 za Sklop 1.1 (Projekti večletnega sodelovanja) in Sklop 1.2.1 (Projekti sodelovanja)
Podpora EU
155.490 EUR

Vodja projekta: Laterna Magica Kulturális és Oktatási Szolgáltató Kft. (HU)
Partnerji: Społeczna Akademia Nauk (PL), Zasebni neprofitni zavod Suri izobraževanje, umetnost, kultura (SI), Art Kontakt ONG (AL), EURELATIONS E.E.I.G. (IT), Fresh Films s.r.o. (CZ), National Network of Romanian Museums (RO)

The main intention of the project is to show the actual existence of the tradition and the effects of folk art on the contemporary European design and applied arts. We do not intend to organize traditionalist folklore events, but such travelling contemporary art program series that are based on the cultural traditions of the partner countries and at the same time reflect the everyday reality of our world today. First of all we want young artists to participate in the project, because we are interested to know what cultural identity and tradition mean to them, or rather how it appears in their art and their artistic products. We would like to offer a large scope for European artists and inspire the birth of new artistic products and make wider the value-conscious thinking (preserve the European identity and tradition in the European as well as in the national level).
The main activities of the project:
– Traveling exhibition: we would like to organize a traveling contemporary design exhibition which based on the methods and ornaments of traditional European handicrafts.
– Transnational workshops: we want to organize workshops for art school pupils and art university students. The workshop encourage to produce new artworks and design products on the European level.
– Intercultural seminars: the specific objective behind this activity is to encourage meetings of artists, experts, and the general audience to discuss about the position of contemporary applied art and creations. It will show the artistic richness of the specific traditional sources and the inspiration they generate today in the field of modern applied art and design.
– Research and knowledge base. This activity has two parts: interactive virtual exhibition and online European research centre with scientific and art-theoretical documents.
(vir: EK)

Trajanje projekta: 10. 12. 2013–9. 12. 2015

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