STORMOPKOMST, an arts festival for children and adults is looking for potential partner organisations in and around Europe to exchange views and experience and to develop a cooperation project with EU support (Creative Europe programme).
Projekt/tema: Učinki imigracijeThe project aims to describe the "effects" of immigration on the emigrant, on the country of departure, and on the host country, through images and words. Individuals such as artists, photographers, poets, and writers would be invited to submit photos, poems, and short stories that capture the experience of immigration.
Področja dela: kultura (glasba, gledališče, kiparstvo), Evropski dokumentacijski center, zaposlovanje, univerza za 3. življensko obdobje ...
Projekt: Želijo se pridružiti projektu v okviru programa Kultura
Projekt: Želijo se pridružiti projektu v okviru programa Kultura
Projekt: Europe comes to Nowhere Land
Projekt: New ways of learning through digital technologies The Belgian festival KIKK and their partners from Spain and Serbia are looking for an organisation working in the digital art sector.
Projekt: The centrality of peripheries
KunstRaum Goethestrasse xtd is a place in Linz/Austria that enables contemporary art and culture production in the fields of intersection between art and the psycho-social. And it is an offer from the association pro mente Upper Austria, a visionary organisation which works directly with artists and their artistic practice to support new approaches for reaching advanced visibility for psycho-social challenges.
Projekt: Passport Culture. Roads to a European CitizenshipThe objective of the project is to explore how Culture plays a key role in the conception of the idea of Citizenship.