
On the first day of the conference we will discuss how international mobility is supported at the systemic level, e.g. through various programs that co-finance mobility or at technical level with information and consultancy provision. On the second day, the focus of discussions will be on mobility in practice, including its environmental impacts.

Daily programme format (for both days):
9.00–9.30: Registration
9.30–10.00: Welcome
10.00–10.45: Keynotes
10.45–11.45: Panel discussion
11.45–12.00: Coffee break
12.00–13.00: Panel discussion
13.00–13.30: Introduction to Who is Who session
13.30–14.30: Lunch break
14.30–16.00: Who is Who session

Keynote and interventions

Lučka Kajfež Bogataj (climatologist), Barbara Koželj Podlogar (cultural attaché / head of SKICA) and Danilo Milovanović (visual artist) will deliver keynote speeches – from a perspective of a climatologist and a pioneer in researching the impact of climate change in Slovenia, a cultural institute promoting international cooperation in arts and culture as well as an individual artist experienced in crossing borders. In addition, Pedro Velázquez (Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission – DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture) will give the European Commission’s prospects of culture mobility in Creative Europe 2021 and beyond.

Discussion panels


PANEL 1 – Funding resources: Mobility funding schemes from the national, regional and international perspective.
What is on the funders’ agenda when they support international mobility in culture and creative sectors? What are similarities and differences in managing different mobility opportunities in specific cultural and creative areas? How flexible and cooperative are funding bodies, and why they promote mobility? Where is the artist on the mobility map? 
Panellists: Fatima Avila, Asia-Europe Foundation (SG); Eva Blaute, Goethe-Institut Brussels (BE) and Gregor Štibernik, AIPA (SI). Moderated by Mateja Lazar, Motovila and Dušan Dovč, SCCA–Ljubljana.

PANEL 2 – Information and consultancy provision: Information support covering various issues related to administrative and legal challenges, funding opportunities or networking.
What kind of professional support is available to artists and cultural professionals working across borders? What is the mission of mobility info points (MIP)? How are they organised? What kind of monitoring and evaluation strategies these services develop to improve their operation and strengthen the mobility in the culture and creative sectors?
Panellists: Susana Costa Pereira, Centro de Informacão Europa Criativa / CED PT; Michiel Van der Padt, DutchCulture / Mobility Info Point NL; Anže Krajnc, Your Europe Advice (SI). Moderated by Mateja Lazar, Motovila and Dušan Dovč, SCCA–Ljubljana.


PANEL 3 – Responsible mobility: Responsibility towards artists and cultural professionals as well as the environment and community.
Is mobility at all responsible, taking into account environmental and societal issues? Can we measure the impact of mobility, positive and negative? How? Is it possible to take responsible decisions to still enjoy benefits of mobility? What would be creative solutions to address the negative impacts? Whose is the responsibility for investing in people and their skills development? Are there any sector specific needs? How can we change our attitude to a more responsible one and how would that change the professional behaviour and practices?
Panellists: Gareth Lee, Screen Skills Ireland (IE); Borut Jerman, PiNA (SI); Alma R. Selimović, Bunker Institute (SI) and Ursula Maria Probst, Transcultural Emancipation (AT). Moderated by Neža Pajnič, CMEPIUS (SI).

PANEL 4 – Impacts of practising mobility: From city to state and from private to public perspective of mobility.
Why is it important to network across borders? Why should mobility of individuals working in the culture and creative sectors be funded? What impact can we expect from mobility and how to measure it? What kind of infrastructure and support is available on the level of a city or a country? On European level? What are the benefits of providing mobility programmes at the local level? What formats of mobility are mostly practised nowadays and why? Who is travelling, and what is the purpose? What is the role of cities and communities?
Panellists: Mafalda Sebastião, Polo Cultural Gaivotas Boavista / Lisbon City Council (PT); Martina Hájková, Arts and Theatre Institute / Mobility Info Point (CZ); Mitja Ličen, Goga publishing house (SI) and Vida Meić, CreArt – Network of Cities for Artistic Creation / Croatian Association of Visual Artists (HR). Moderated by Magdalena Mullerova, Arts and Theatre Institute.

Who is Who session (Day 1&2)

Who is Who sessions devoted to conference participants who wish to know more about various programs, mechanisms, contact points, services and other opportunities promoting mobility through funding and information support or residency programmes. Who will be there?

More about the event SLO / EN.

The organizer reserves the right to change the program.

The event is organized by the Motovila Institute in cooperation with Arts and Theatre Institute / CED CZ, DutchCulture / CED NL, Centro de Informacão Europa Criativa / CED PT, CED Ireland – MEDIA Office Dublin, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia / CED HR, Federal Chancellery of Austria, Arts and Culture / CED AT, SCCA–Ljubljana and CMEPIUS.