zeitraumexit, Mannheim, Germany (EU)

1.10.2015, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do četrtek, 15. oktober 2015
Cooperation projects (small) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) Project: frisch eingetroffen [just in] Reply by: 2015-10-07


Zeitraumexit was founded in 2001 by four artists. Among the independent art spaces of Germany zeitraumexit stands out because of the unique combination of performing and visual arts. Its small team manages about 70 events p.a., among these festivals of 4–11 days with 20 to 80 artists. The focus is strictly on experimental, contemporary, international art. Zeitraumexit not only presents but also produces performance, dance and experimental theatre.


eV Hafenstraße 68
68159 Mannheim

T: 0049 621 15301035

Web: www.zeitraumexit.de

Contact: Katia Fundter (katia.fundter@zeitraumexit.de)

Project: frisch eingetroffen [just in]

zeitraumexit organizes a festival for young performing arts and artists, who are at the beginning of their career, who search for an artistic development off the beaten track, and who are risk-loving and happy to experiment with the possibilities of live-art. frisch eingetroffen [just in] does explicitly avoid to fix an age limit for artists, as new paths can be stricken at any age. zeitraumexit has organised frisch eingetroffen [just in] as a festival of two days for the past 14 years. With each show no longer than 30–60 minutes, the festival offers an eclectic and comprehensive programm with 2–3 productions each night, which allow fascinating insights into current positions of performance, live-art and contemporary dance.

Since two years, zeitraumexit cooperates with Het Veem Theatre Amsterdam and Station – Service for Contemporary Dance Belgrade in organising and hosting frisch eingetroffen [just in]. Each partner curates 1–2 shows (solos, duos or 3 people max.); all the shows are shown at the venue of each partner. This way of working has proven to be of great advantage, as artists has been brought to partners attention of which they have formerly not been aware.
The three partners plan to expand frisch eingetroffen [just in] to a fourth partner and into a production festival.

Partner from: EU

Our ideal partner should have a similar structure and size as the three existing partners (2-10 employees), a focus an international, contemporary, experimental art, and experience in international cooperations (co-productions, EU projects etc.). S/he should not be situated in one of the countries of the existing partners (Germany, Netherlands, Serbia). Furthermore, our ideal partner should be cooperative and committed and share our enthusiasm for performance, live-art and contemporary dance. Ideally, s/he understands art not as an event- and entertainment-machine but as a laboratory and catalyst for cultural, political and societal development.