Zbor Pueri Cantores di Vicenza

23.07.2010, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do petek, 1. oktober 2010
Projekt: Cultural Highways for Integration through Music

The project aims to be a moment of meditation, discussion and dialogue between different cultures in Europe for the united creation of a new society, sensitive to intolerance, integration, harmony and peace.
The key points are:
– Children, protagonists of the project, through which it wants to be expressed a spontaneous, genuine, open comparison and, above all, a symbol of the future and so the path through which lay the foundation for greater integration and a deep – rooted European culture.
– Involvement of economically disadvantaged Countries to be an expression of European poverty and social exclusion (2010), and pave the way for the volunteering theme (2011).
The Project aims to establish a European school of singing, for the development of a youth chorus of European voices open to new educational and artistic projects to be developed through exchanges between similar groups in Europe (youth singing schools).
They are looking for partners from the field of music.

Kontakt: Giovanna Brunelli
E: giovanna.brunelli@epcsrl.eu
W: www.vicenzapuericantores.it