Ymago, Portugalska

3.01.2018, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do nedelja, 14. januar 2018

Ymago (PT) and Nissos Publications (GR) are looking for partners to cooperate in a small-scale project¸ called “Migrant Images/ MIIM”, involving translation, painting, drawing, photography, intangible culture, film, video and publishing. The partnership may be of special interest to institutions from the «peripheries» of Europe.


Ymago (PT): http://www.proymago.pt/
Nissos Publications (GR): http://www.nissos.gr/en/

Projekt: Migrant Images/ MIIM

Migrant Images (MIIM) aims to promote the transit of contemporary artistic theory made in France and Germany, towards countries at the periphery of Europe. Authors such as Georges Didi-Huberman, Hans Belting, Horst Bredekamp, Daniel Arasse, Victor Stoichita, Hubert Damisch, Françoise Frontisi-Ducroux, Jacques Rancière and, as an après-coup forerunner, Aby Warburg, who inspires this project.
Migrant Images envisaged the translation of books, short essays and conferences in the partner countries. Also film screenings, the exhibition of artistic work, dance and others may be considered, as mediators between the propositions of the French and German authors and local audiences, clarifying and broadening the propositions of the authors.

Za več glej tukaj (.pdf).

João Francisco Figueira (proymago@gmail.com)
Pola Kapola