Urban Forms Foundation, Łódź (PL)

19.04.2013, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Vizualne umetnosti
Odgovori do četrtek, 31. oktober 2013
Projekt: Urban Forms Gallery All Round the WorldPoljska organizacija URBAN FORMS (Łódź) išče partnerja za sodelovanje na razpisu programa EU Kultura - sodelovanje z Avstralijo/Kanado (sklop 1.3.5 za leto 2013). Iščejo partnerje, ki se ukvarjajo s poslikavami na javnih površinah zlasti v mestih s postindustrijskim in multikulturnim 'karakterjem'.

Short description of the project:
Urban Forms Foundation deals with street art. Our key project is Urban Forms Gallery – a permanent exhibition of huge paintings placed on elevations of buildings called murals situated in the very centre of Łódź. Łódź is the second biggest city in Poland with postindustrial background seeking a factor of development. Our gallery not only improves image of the centre of Łódź but also brings substantial changes to its social appearance.

Who / what we are searching for:
We would like to invite partners from  cities where street art actions are carried out. Also partner cities should be noted for their postindustrial and multicultural background and destroyed areas saturated with social pathologies. We would like to plant idea of art activities in public space to an Australian/Canadian city of this kind since we believe that street art might be a factor of change and development of the cities and also a tool of a social and technical revitalization. 

Project title: Urban Forms Gallery All Round the World
Field: visual arts / interdisciplinary
Project start date: September, 2013 / end date: December, 2014

Kontaktna oseba: Teresa Latuszewska
e-mail: biuro@urbanforms.org

Objavljeno: 19. april 2013