Urban Culture and Education (UKE)

6.03.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Ostalo
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
UKE, Urban Culture and Education iz Hrvaške išče partnerje, ki bi želeli sodelovati v skupnem projektu na področju okolja, trajnostnega razvoja in družbene angažiranosti v umetnosti oziroma želijo kot partnerji sodelovati na razpisu za projekte sodelovanja manjšega obsega.

Urban culture and Education (UKE) is a non-profit cultural association, established in 2003 in Croatia. UKE is developing a platform for trandisciplinary research in arts and science through participative and collaborative practices. The main interest of UKE lies in the field of open technology, culture and arts with focus on environmental art, socially engaged art, autonomy and sustainability.
UKE is a member of the network Clubture since 2003 and a member of Croatian Film Association since 2004.
Yearly UKE organizes Experimental Electronic Interventions, residency program Multimedia Camp, manages net-label for experimental music and sound art GentleJunk NetLabel. Members produce or curate performances and exhibitions – to mention recent Bricolabs exhibition at Pixelache in Helsinki, Finland; Beyond Borders collaborative exhibition at Scheier Gallery in Čakovec, Croatia; Geek’s Garden participatory eco art at Zavod K6/4 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 2004 UKE organizes exchange in free and open culture between Brazil and Croatia.
In May 2014 UKE organizes a collaborative and participatory art-lab in cooperation with the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rijeka and in August a conference under the title Future Environments. Throughout the year there is an on-going research on solar powered multimedia art and exhibitions of the project Mobile Art Dome in 6 cities throughout Croatia.

Project proposal: Our aim is to develop innovative programs for artists, scientists and other experts that have their focus on environmental art, sustainable art and socially engaged art. We intent to foster collaborative creativity and transdisciplinary strategies throughout the exchange of artists and their works or ideas. Our goal is to create a residential environment that we envision as an eco – art village – a community for research into mentioned themes.

Timeline: 1.1.2015 – 1.12.2017 (alternatively to 1.12.2019)
Application deadline: 1.10.2014

Applicant’s details: UKE is an organisation run by three persons (two of them emloyed by the association) and volunteers. We are currently interested to collaborate on a small scale level as project partner. Please feel free to contact us for further information on: udrugauke@gmail.com or visit: www.uke.hr, www.gentlejunk.net/projects/, www.flickr.com/photos/gentlejunk/.

Contact details:
Maja Kohek
UKE, Urban Culture and Education
Dravska 17, 42000 Varaždin, Croatia; T: +386 40 735 359
e: udrugauke@gmail.com, majakohek@gmail.com
w: www.uke.hr