Uran Company Ltd., Bolgarija

16.03.2020, Posebne akcije / Multimedija in nove tehnologije
Odgovori do petek, 10. april 2020
Uran Company Ltd. (BG) and Khortytsia National Reserve (UA) are looking for a third consortium participant with expertise in audiovisual content development. Their proposed project will be devoted to the indoor navigation technology; the development of specialized museum mobile application “Interactive guide-navigator” using innovative BLE technology.

The project is multicultural and can be applied in any museum in the world regardless of ethnic, geographical and linguistic peculiarities of a country. The project proposal will be submitted under the Creative Europe Bridging culture and audiovisual content through digital Call.

Uran Company Ltd. and Khortytsia National Reserve (http://ostriv.org/) are interested in software projects for mobile devices combining national heritage, art and computational algorithms.

Kontakt: Vadim Nevinskiy (E: vadnevin@gmail.com, T: +380673552639)
W: https://urancompany.com/