University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italija

30.07.2018, Projekti sodelovanja (večji) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do četrtek, 1. november 2018

The University of Rome “TOR VERGATA” (Rome 2) is looking for partners who would like to join their project ORMETE and make it a large-scale cooperation project in the fields of theatre, oral history, memoire and performing arts. Expected partners include theatrical festivals, organisations working on the oral cultural heritage, research centres or organisations with experience in audience development strategy, and ICT companies with experience in managing cultural web platforms.

Organizacija: University of Rome Tor Vergata

The University of Rome Tor Vergata was established in 1982: it is therefore a relatively young University. It was designed on the model of Anglo-Saxon campuses: it stretches on 600 hectares and hosts important research institutions, such as CNR and the Italian Space Agency – ASI. Many other centres are located close to this University, e.g. ENEA, ESA-ESRIN, the National Institute of Astrophysics, Monte Porzio Catone Observatory and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics. Right from the start their presence has contributed to turning “Tor Vergata” into a dynamic research pole. Furthermore, the Campus hosts one of the most modern hospitals in Italy, i.e. University Hospital Tor Vergata, a care and research centre which is a reference point for the whole Lazio region and where our Medical School is active as well.

Projekt: ORMETE

Aim of the project (in Italian): Developing a European cooperation network aimed at internationalizing and consolidating the ORMETE network – orality, memory and theatre – already active since 2012 at the Italian national level. Exploiting methods and tools by the oral history, ORMETE creates, collects, preserves, uploads on the web and studies stories and personal memoirs on the 20th century theatre. Its aim is to improve and valorise at most all the forms of theatrical oral sources in order to study and understand at best the art of theatre.

Več v priponki (.pdf).

Kontakt: Donatella Orecchia ( in Livia Cavaglieri (