University of Arts in Poznań

17.02.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Vizualne umetnosti
Odgovori do sreda, 5. marec 2014
Projekt: Rolling Stock of ArtUniversity of Arts in Poznań iz Poljske išče partnerje (univerze), ki bi želeli sodelovati v skupnem projektu "Rolling Stock of Art" na področju vizualnih umetnosti, in sicer prek razširjanja in izobraževanja o moderni umetnosti.

The University of Arts in Poznań would like to invite other University to the partnership so that they could produce a project “Rolling Stock of Art”. Main goal of the project is to spread art and educate Europeans, living in countryside, by contact with the modern art.

“Rolling Stock of Art” is educational, social and artistic program, connected with 3 smaller projects:
1. Cycle of artistic workshops. 
2. Mobile Gallery of Modern Art. 
3. Numerous meetings with artists representing varied medias.

More in the appendix >>> UniArts-Poznan.doc

Contact details:
University of Arts in Poznań
dr Joanna Marcinkowska PhD
T: + 48 889 110 444