Union Generela di Ladins dla Dolomites, Italija (EU)

12.12.2015, Projekti sodelovanja / Knjiga in prevodni projekti
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 1. avgust 2016


Union Generela di Ladins dla Dolomites celebrated its centenary in 2005. They maintain and promote linguistic and cultural unity of Ladin area and try to maintain the traditions, the place names and the Ladin identity. The ”Generela” is committed to strengthening the Ladin identity in all sectors, including the mass media, and in particular through its own periodical La Usc di Ladins.

Spletišče: http://www.uniongenerela.it/en/

Kontakt: Rafael Prugger (rapru@teletu.it)

Projekt: Lessmore

The project is about increasing reputation of lesser spoken stateless language communities.
The key issue of assuring an active and inclusive participation of lesser spoken languages and cultures in the European adventure is to ensure their good reputation when compared to the large national languages and cultures.
This project should be developed by civil associations of diverse minority languages in representation of East, North, South and West Europe social and linguistic conditions with the aim of building up a respectful social reputation of lesser spoken languages and cultures.
They believe that a real inclusion in the sense of a positive and constructive interplay between linguistic and cultural communities can succeed when a balanced consideration of both parts is present, otherwise the result is a drift to a progressive assimilation by the stronger community and extinction of the orphan language and culture with a net loss of wealth for the whole Europe.

Partnerji iz: EU

– culture and language associations of lesser spoken, minority and stateless languages
– ICT and communication companies

If you want to participate to the co-creation of this project proposal with deadline Summer/Autumn next year 2016 contact the Union Generela di Ladins dla Dolomites, official association of the Ladin minority in Northern Italy.