UHA – Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata

26.03.2013, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Arhitektura, oblikovanje in uporabne umetnosti
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 10. marec 2025
Projekt: Creative Cities: Role of Creative Industries in the City DevelopementDruštvo hrvaških arhitektov išče projektne partnerje za prijavo novega projekta na razpis za sodelovanje s tretjimi državami za leto 2013 (sklop 1.3.5). V kolikor delujete na področju arhitekture, urbanizma, oblikovanja ipd. in bi vas zanimalo sodelovanje v mednarodnem projektu, poglejte kratko predstavitev spodaj.Društvo hrvaških arhitektov je ravnokar uspešno zaključilo projekt sodelovanja Kultura "Nedokončane modernizacije", v katerem so sodelovali tudi Trajekt, Umetnostna galerija Maribor in MAO - Muzej arhitekture in oblikovanja iz Ljubljane.

The project will work with the cities in which architecture, design and advertizing (and other creative disciplines) are not recognized as creative industries by civic policies (such as Zagreb, Belgrade) and those cities with an articulated policy of governing creative industries in order to determine economic and cultural potential of creative industries in city development, detecting local specificities of their development as well as different models of creative industries’ development with the aim to find out how in the time of economic crises culture can catalyze positive action.
A much wider theme of the project would be to explore the potential impact creative industries could have on city development: both economic (profit increase and its city BDP share, increase of new job opennings in these disciplines, small enterpreneurship development, attracting investment), touristic (creating city image, cultural tourism), social (contributing to local community development, quality of living) and cultural (education, aesthetics).

– Research
– Mapping and defining creative industries’ resources, their potentials and problems they encouter;
– Learning about public opinion on creative clusters’ issues
– Workshops
– Exploring potential of creative industries as a main factor of certain city areas’ development
– Conferences
– Introduction and critical assesment of various models of creative industries’ development (architects, planners, designers, civic goverment representatives, economists, sociologists, representatives of the EU cities that used to be European capitals of culture, representatives of the cities nurturing creative industries, etc).
– Festivals/Creative industry events (international)
– Testing models of trans-national creative clusters, marketing models of trans-national promotion of creative industries (joint promotion of regional creative industries); exploration of regional market potential


Ana Šilović (programi@uha.hr)
Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata, Zagreb

Objavljeno: 7. marec 2013