UCAM, Španija

16.05.2019, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 30. september 2019
Private university UCAM would like to participate as a partner in a cooperation project dedicated to architecture, design and applied arts, cultural heritage and multimedia and new technologies.


UCAM is a private university with 20 years of history and more than 16.000 students that offers 24 prominent European official graduations, 35 Master programs, 17 PhD programs and other prestigious titles. Its teaching method is based on a personalized attention with reduced students per classes and a personal tutor for each student. UCAM also offers a modern system of distance teaching. UCAM is strongly linked with the work world through study plans adapted to market exigencies, obligatory internships in institutions and enterprises in every program and research programs in collaboration with big regional, national and multinational companies. UCAM has a special environment both cultural and historical. Its main campus is on the XVII century Jerónimos Monastery where infrastructures and labs provide UCAM’s students with excellent facilities to learn practical skills. UCAM is an institution in dialogue with the modern world for the purposes of the improvement of human society as a whole.

They would like to participate as partners in  projects form the field of architecture, design and applied arts, cultural heritage and multimedia and new technologies. They were partners in two Creative Europe funded projects: TELE – ENCOUNTERS and REFRESH.

E: Andrésaabad@ucam.edu
W: http://international.ucam.edu/