Town council in the province of Seville (Alanis, Sierra Morena)

20.03.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Ostalo
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
Mestni svet v provinci Sevilla (Alanis, Sierra Morena) iz Španije išče partnerje (umetniške skupine/institucije), ki bi želeli sodelovati v skupnem projektu Artistic Residence "House of Art" Alanis, ki temelji na kulturnih in umetniških izmenjavah.

Artistic Residence “House of Art” Alanis, Project is located in the Sierra Morena de Sevilla. A project based on barter currency as cultural and artistic exchange. We offer workspace and created a chapel of S. XIV, adapted as a performance space with a dance floor 12×11 meters and situated at the foot of Castle s.XIV. This space is complemented by the House of Arts, located in the village and with a capacity to accommodate 15 people in single rooms with private bathroom. This project is open to companies, groups, collectives that want to use our space to develop an idea to create a show.. etc. It provides no time limit and “free” way. A change company or group commits to a workshop for residents / as the people and create synergies between all (neighbors / as and artists).
We seek partners in other countries, can projects related to ours, or believe that our project can complement yours. We seek artistic companies.

Contact details:
Residencia artística “Casa de las Artes” Alanís, Sevilla. Andalucía (Espana).
Contact person: Arturo Fernández, Concejal de Cultura
T: +34-696673387, e: