Thessaloniki Olympic Museum, Grčija

17.01.2020, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do torek, 10. marec 2020
Thessaloniki Olympic Museum would like to be actively involved in creative production or act as a presentation and dissemination channel in project covering arts and crafts, exhibition, programming for cultural events, and festival as dissemination platform of either.


One of a kind in Greece, the Thessaloniki Olympic Museum narrates the story of the Olympic Games. Established in 2001 as a Sport Museum, it expanded scope in 2008 becoming an Olympic Museum and a founding member of the prestigious Olympic Museums Network, counting today 27 organizations within the International Olympic Committee. Since then, it serves as an agent of the Olympic spirit, ethos and heritage. Its main mission is the dispersal of the Olympic Movement and Olympism.

Affiliated with the National Olympic Committee and the Hellenic Olympic Academy, the museum remains focused on preserving and communicating the Olympic Values, which are the cornerstones of Olympic Education and, therefore, of Olympism.

Več informacij (.docx).

Kontakt: Mrs Maria Koloni, marketing department (
Thessaloniki Olympic Museum
Agiou Dimitriou & 3rd September Street, Thessaloniki, 54636
T: +302310968531-2, F: +30968726