The Abbaye aux Dames, Francija

10.03.2016, Projekti sodelovanja / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do sreda, 5. oktober 2016


The Abbaye aux Dames, located in Saintes in southwest France, is a French “1901 Association”.
Constructed in the 11th century, the abbey itself is today a music school, hostel (in the historical monument),
provider of social housing and classical concert venue (the Festival de Saintes).
For over 40 years, music lovers have been attending the abbey to enjoy and learn about music,
with a special emphasis on the use of period instruments.
Located in the town of Saintes (France) between Bordeaux, La Rochelle and Cognac.

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European projects coordinator
T: + 33 / (0)5 46 97 48 46


The Abbaye aux Dames would like to develop with new European and non-European cultural coorganisers adapted and joint strategies and models, products and evaluation tools in order to reinforce the European cohesion and assure the European cultural heritage transmission to future generations.
This cooperation project will integrate cultural organization and creative industries in the framework of an inter-sectorial and transnational staff connected with European and international professional networks involved in the educational, cultural and touristic sectors.
We propose you to develop a new approach to cultural heritage and its interpretation that consists in:

–Preserving and enhancing a whole cultural landscape with interconnected historical monuments rather than isolated sites
–Becoming more people-centered
–Organizing an intelligent dialogue between different points of view thanks to an increasingly community-oriented approach, led by people and stories, for instance proposing heritage-based narratives that weave the personal stories of community members into the interpretation of larger historical events
–Interacting the audiences with the collections by placing them at the heart of the activities.
–Taking new opportunities offered by digitization and online accessibility that enable unprecedented forms of engagement and open up new revenue streams

–Identifying the relevant cultural key-competencies applicable for the cultural heritage by targeted groups
–Organizing involving art participating activities that associate guest artists with usual and non-usual audience of historical monuments
–Evaluating qualitatively the experience and the impact of cultural tourism activities on growth and cohesion of the involved territories

Key aims of the project:
STRUCTURE the cultural heritage sector and creative industries by spreading excellence human and digital best practices for audiences development
PROMOTE the historical monuments as facilitating venues for an inclusive transmission of cultural and creative key-competencies to new (non) audiences
TRAIN the cultural stakeholders and heritage interpreters to develop art innovative and participating activities with the local inhabitants of their territory
ANALYSE the expectations, motivations, and satisfaction of local inhabitants and visitors in order to continually develop the project approach in a virtuous circle
DEVELOP a common adapted competencies building evaluation methodology to European/international level to prove the essential role of culture in the society
IMPROVE and STANDARDISE the heritage interpretation competencies in truly curriculum accredited by national and European high education institutions and/or European excellence label in European/international professional networks and European/international cultural organisations

Please find more about the project in the appendix.