Students’ City Cultural Center, Srbija

29.03.2019, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do torek, 1. oktober 2019
The Students' City Cultural Center from Belgrade would like to apply as project leader with a small interdiciplinary cooperation project. They are looking for project partners from Slovenia, Croatia, Sweden, France, Belgium, and Germany. The best possible partner would be a cultural centre located within students campus.


The Cultural Centre is an educational institution operating in the framework of the Republic of Serbia’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.
The types of programs offered by the SCCC have been adapted and improved over four decades, but continued to cover important areas involving creativity: literature, theatre, music, visual arts, film, humanities, science and publishing. The objectives of SCCC are: addressing the cultural needs and values of students and nurturing new ones; involving the students community in art and humanities programs and projects that can serve as a powerful tool for understanding contemporary society; improving and fostering different forms of creativity of students through workshops, innovative educational programs from all fields of art and humanities, research and participative art projects; providing conditions conducive to study through making available reading rooms and library.


They are developing project of international Artist – in – Residence program for artists and collectives experienced in participatory art practices, interested to take part in researching the different aspects of students’ life. Artist, curators and collectives from different fields of arts (the visual arts, performing arts, literature, and interdisciplinary arts) and regions will be involved. Through past participative projects they have already made digital archive of vernacular, art and documentary photographs dealing with life of the students from the fifties until contemporary days in local context but within the global social and historic flows.

Project objectives:
– audience development through participative and contextual based art practices;
– involving students and youth communities of different backgrounds into creative endeavors and recognizing the scope of Pan-European characteristics of students’ life, education and identities.
– advancement and application of innovative digital technologies in creating platforms for shared interactive contents;
– developing collaborative digital humanities interpretative models of intangible heritage;

They intend to establish joint on-line platform, networked artist in residency program, traveling exhibition and printed publication.

Possible partners: Student cultural centers; cultural centers within students campuses; youth cultural centers; educational and research institutions; universities, faculties, public institutions, NGOs and other organizations specialized for visual arts, literature, theatre, film, music; artist in residencies programs; IT platforms, platforms for development, application and presentation of emerging technologies in the fields of archiving, social dynamics; centers for digital humanities.

Kontakt: Maida Gruden, (
T: +381 62 267841