Student Centre in Zagreb, Hrvaška

7.02.2020, Projekti sodelovanja / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do torek, 10. marec 2020
Student Centre in Zagreb is interested in the theoretical and practical performative research on the wide scope of contemporary performing arts. They are open for collaboration as a partner organization, in projects concerning the Cultural Cooperation Project in the Western Balkans.


Student Centre in Zagreb (SC) was founded in 1957 and now is a multi-functional space in the heart of the city. From the beginnings, SC and its cultural programs were an important part of Croatian independent scene.

Culture department of the Student Center in Zagreb supports and promotes multifarious experimental and independent artistic movements and projects. It actively organizes music, theatre/ performing arts, residences, visual arts, educational programs and workshops, film programs on a regular monthly basis in the following venues: SC Gallery, &TD Theatre (2 venues), French Pavilion (protected cultural heritage located at the Student centre), SEK, Multimedia Centre, SC Cinema Hall, Cinema Forum. All Culture SC activities are promoting young artists but also the already established ones.

Founded in the 1960’s, as an opposition to classical theatres of the period, Theatre &TD has always been an independent, avant-garde, experimental and modern theatre exploring all fields of performing arts. Theatre &TD was the first Croatian theatre that played the works of Ionesco, Handke, Beckett, Sartre… Theatre &TD worked and collaborated with all the biggest Yugoslav and Croatian theatre artists and experts. It has won many domestic and international awards for its theatre/performing arts productions.

Currently, Student Centre in Zagreb takes part in a European project, an international artistic network- APAP (Advancing Performing Arts Project). We are collaborating with European organizations, inviting artists, performers and educators to exchange and share knowledge with Croatian artists and public.


We are interested in the theoretical and practical performative research on the wide scope of contemporary performing arts. Therefore, the permanent search for new theatre languages, innovative theatre practices, new forms of theatrical expression and gestures is registered in the main aesthetic guidelines and traditions of our theatre. The establishment of the “new” theatre also implies a critical stance, socially and ethically responsible art activities and agendas. Programs are not limited by genres and stylistic criteria, which opens up the possibility of establishing new production aesthetics and contemporary forms of co-productions, post productions and collaborations.

SC is open for collaboration as a partner organization, in projects concerning the Cultural Cooperation Project in the Western Balkans. We would be very pleased to know more about your project and discuss the possibility to be actively involved.

Danijela Andrijašević Wittine (, T: +385914593468
Vedran Hleb (, T: +385992982176
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