Stowarzyszenie Legalna Muzyka / Association Legal Music, Poljska

30.06.2016, Projekti sodelovanja / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do petek, 15. julij 2016


Stowarzyszenie Legalna Muzyka (Association Legal Music) is a non-governmental organization which brings culture to the Pomeranian region of Poland. They organize festivals, concerts, cultural events. They have experience in the production and organization Soundrive Festival (since 2012), the biggest alternative festival in Pomerania Region, held in  industrial, historical area – Gdańsk Shipyard.
They would like to broaden our activity and cooperate with other organizations from all over the Europe.

Spletna stran:


Association Legal Music
Bohaterów Monte Cassino 54

Agnieszka Labenz


Main idea of their project is to engage international artists involved in a various fields of art to cooperate around the theme of jazz and improvisation. Project aim is to create artistic events such as concerts, spectacles and other, in order to raise the audience’s awareness of the boundlessness of art.  The goal of work is to allow the artists to share their experiences and to help European audience to grow. Artistic events will be carried out in Poland as well as in a partner’s countries. The projects will have an intertextual form – combining jazz and improvisation with other forms of art.

Project will be held on Browar Gdański Kulturalny (Cultural Gdańsk Brewery). This is a unique project of revitalisation and adaptation of the extraordinary space located in the historical cellars and Browar Gdański (Gdańsk Brewery’s) buildings.

Please find more about the project in the appendix.