Spanish Federation of Groups of Folclore ( F.E.A.F.)

15.09.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (večji) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
Spanish Federation of Groups of Folclore ( F.E.A.F. ) iz Španije išče partnerje, ki bi želeli sodelovati v projektu na interdisciplinarnem področju (glasba, ples, dediščina), in sicer na razpisu za projekte sodelovanja večjega obsega podprograma Kultura, ki bo zaključen 1. oktobra. Osrednja tema projekta je popis tradicionalne glasbe in plesa.

F.E.A.F. tries to develop the project with other European partners to obtain several objectives:
– To carry out an analysis of the current situation of the Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Traditional Music and Dance.
– To elaborate a catalogue and to create a real and on-line center un catálogo of documentation about Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Traditional Music and Dance, using formats and database that could be used in different official state-wide and international organisms (metadata).
– To offer an access to researchers and students to the catalogue of Traditional Music and Dance by means of new technologies.
– To arouse about the real possibility of definitive loss of files of Traditional Music and Dance and, therefore, of the Immaterial Cultural Heritage.
– To facilitate all data of the catalogue to Official European Institutions and specially to the National Inventory of the Immaterial Cultural Heritage, in countries where it exits or, in its fault, to similar institution.
– To spread and to bring over the Inventory of Traditional Music and Dance to collectives related with it (associations,…) and to those that could have more link with it ( infancy, youth, elders ). – To lodge the above mentioned records in National Library.
– To lodge the above mentioned records with metadata in EUROPEANA. F.E.A.F. is dedicated since 1984 to the defence, support, safeguard, diffusion etc., the rich intangible heritage of Spain.

More in the appendix >>> es-FEAF.pdf
