Seneca Publishing comp.

6.08.2008, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Knjiga in prevodni projekti
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2008
Projekt: Fairy Tales From Europe

Mgr.Art. Danica Pauličková, a painter and a writer working mainly for children, in cooperation with Seneca publishing house is preparing a project Fairy Tales From Europe within which they want to make a collection of original fairy tales from all EU countries.

The book will be published by Seneca publishing house in Slovak language with included CD with the tales red by Slovak actors. Depending on the cooperation also English or other language versions would be published. The book would be presented to children during special evening prepared for them. Also children from foster homes and blind children would be invited. Besides that an exhibition of illustrations of the book would be made in the countries which will be part of this project.

Kontakt: Mgr.Art. Danica Pauličková
Seneca Publishing comp., Topoľčianska 33, 85105 Bratislava, Slovakia; T: 00 42102 63 835 393, M: 004212 911 456 363