Robert Schuman Institute for European Studies (RSIES)

20.03.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Ostalo
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 10. marec 2025
Organizacija Robert Schuman Institute for European Studies (RSIES) iz Španije želi kot partner sodelovati pri projektu, podprtem iz podprograma Kultura.

The Robert Schuman Institute for European Studies (RSIES), located in Francisco de Vitoria University, in Madrid is interested in participating in the Culture Subprogramme as partners. The Institute advances academic education and research in various disciplines, and provides services to students, scholars, stakeholders and the general public. Their activities include seminars, summer schools, publications and conferences on the various ways in which institutions, law and politics intersect with each other in the EU, its member states and at the international level.

More in the appendix >>> RobertSchumanInstitute-ES.pdf

Contact details:
Robert Schuman Institute for European Studies (RSIES)
Ana González Marín
Elena Morales Blanco