PRAGA – Associação Cultural, Portugalska

16.03.2020, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do četrtek, 1. oktober 2020
PRAGA – Associação Cultural is a non-profit cultural association that would like to be a project leader or partner in a small scale cooperation project submitted under the Creative Europe Calls 2021. They aim to create a network of residencies in the field of performing and visual arts, together with their partner the Lisbon Municipality.


PRAGA – Associação Cultural define themselves as a group or federation of artists, with a coat of arms and a history. They direct Rua das Gaivotas 6, a project that continues a 23 years old project, which passed by other places. PRAGA was born in 1995 and is currently located at Rua das Gaivotas in Lisbon. The group has been regularly creating theatre plays co-produced by the most prestigious contemporary cultural institutions in Portugal and have performed at several festivals and events in other European countries (Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Slovenia, Estonia, Denmark and Poland), in Israel and in China. Alongside PRAGA artistic work, Rua das Gaivotas 6 has always bared in mind its main goal: to promote artistic creation in Lisbon, by hosting projects, residencies and presentations within the diverse fields of art. Rua das Gaivotas 6 is a space which aims at gathering, sharing and experimenting, bringing together the most recent and diverse artistic production, seeking to unveil, not only to the arts community but also to a broader audience, the youngest and newest contemporary artistic work and culture.

We aim at the creation of a European network for residencies and presentation of works of young and contemporary artists, in venues with small/medium scale that promotes dialogue and interchange of artists and new artistic narratives.

Kontakt: Daniela Ribeiro
E:, T: +351 919271631
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