Platform for Changes, Gruzija

21.10.2019, Projekti sodelovanja / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sreda, 20. november 2019
The “Platform for Changes”, founded in 2012, is organizing a Contemporary Dance and Experimental Art Festival in Tbilisi. They are looking for partners for their capacity building project with an aim to strengthen the role of contemporary dance and help boost the internationalization of performing artist’s careers.


Platform for Changes is a non-governmental non-for profit legal entity founded in 2012. Since 2012, it organizes Contemporary Dance and Experimental Art Festival in Tbilisi, Georgia.


The main goal of the Contemporary Dance and Experimental Art Festival is to contribute to the professional development of dance and performance auteurs in Georgia through active engagement and interaction with international professionals. Moreover, the festival intends to build up a platform – an independent dance and performance art center that will encompass dance studios and a performance space and will offer educational activities on rolling basis to local and international practitioners.

The festival has big experience of collaborating with international platforms and institutions, professionals, funding institutions etc.

With the funding of Creative Europe program Festival aims to strengthen dance community through trainings and exchange programs for dancers, choreographers, dance curators and managers in order to build capacity and at the end of the project to start with the preparation for the establishing an above mentioned independent dance center in Tbilisi, which would be the only one of this kind not only in Georgia, but also in the entire South Caucasus region.

Več v priponki (.pdf).

Tamuna Gurchiani, Festival Director(,
Giorgi Spanderashvili, Festival Manager (