PERSPECTIV, the Association of Historic Theatres in Europe

23.01.2009, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do četrtek, 1. oktober 2009
Projekt: The European Route of Historic TheatresPERSPECTIV, the Association of Historic Theatres in Europe, together with the Vadstena Academy in Sweden, the Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds in Great Britain, and the Renaissance city of Sabbioneta in Italy is currently organizing a new cultural route across Europe: The European Route of Historic Theatres.

The new European Route is supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union. It leads to selected historic theatres that were built between 1580 and 1910 and have been largely preserved in their original state. Its aim is to make people more aware of this very special part of our common European cultural heritage and to increase the exchange across the borders. Please find details on the routes on

The north-south trail of the European Route will be ready by the end of 2009; it runs from Sweden and Britain to Italy. “From 2010 onward we would like to complement it with an east-west trail. For this project we are looking for co-organizers especially in central and eastern European countries, and also in Portugal, Spain and France.

The co-organizers could be historic theatres and their owners, e.g. municipalities, or theatres that are a legal entity themselves, museums, foundations etc. Furthermore, interested university departments and organisations without a historic theatre as well as tourist offices are very welcome.

A meeting of all parties interested in this project will take place in April 2009. The proposal that we want to prepare together for the EU will be for the period 2010 – 2013.

Interested? Then please send an e-mail and additionally a fax to the secretary-general of PERSPECTIV, Mr. Carsten Jung.

Kontakt: Mr. Carsten Jung, Routenmanager
Europastraße Historische Theater, PO-Box 31 11 26, 10641 Berlin, T: +49 (0)30 886 779 83, F: +49 30 816 158 82, E:, W: