8.12.2017, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do petek, 5. januar 2018

PEPSAEE is a scientific non-profit organization. They wish to take part as leaders in a small scale-cooperation project titled The Art4PSY Project: Promoting social inclusion through Art and looking for partners, esp. mental health organizations working with art and especially theater.

Organizacija: PEPSAEE – PanHellenic Association for Psycho-social Rehabilitation and Work Integration

PanHellenic Association for Psycho-social Rehabilitation and Work Integration (PEPSAEE) is a Scientific Non-Profit Organization established in 1996. It aims at facilitating the social inclusion and work integration of people with psychosocial problems.
One of PEPSAEE’s main services is the Alternative Rehabilitation Activities Office. This alternative office, which is located inside a small theater, brings together mental health professionals, artists, employees, volunteers and users and combines art with the methodology of “Recovery” in order to help people with mental health problems in their way to social integration. More than 50 art and culture groups and many artistic and cultural events are taking place and are attended by more than 300 users every week.

Projekt: The Art4PSY Project: Promoting social inclusion through Art

The Art4psy project has the following objectives:
*Connecting Art and Mental Health through the co-production of a Theatrical Performance and parallel Art Exhibitions in three European countries.
*Develop career prospects of artists with mental health problems by promoting their artwork through the creation of a digital “library”.
*Make the work of artists with mental health problems known to a broader audience (audience development).
*Internationalization and dissemination of works of artists and mentally ill people.
*Fight sigma and Increase public awareness of talents and skills of artists with mental health problems.

Za več glej tukaj (.docx).

Kontakt: Mrs Margo Liatira (
PEPSAEE, 41, Ipirou Str, Athens, Greece
W:, FB: